We recommend belt drive pumps to commercial/industrial users. If you plan on using your pressure washer 20+ hours a week, you want a belt drive. Why? Belt drive pressure washers allow the pump to rotate at around half the RPMs of a direct drive. The reduced rotations means that the pump is exposed to less heat, vibrations, wear and tear. In turn, the unit will last longer and is worth the cost difference.
We typically recommend direct drive pressure washers to residential customers or those who plan to use the washer much less frequently.... less than 20 hours a week. Belt drive washers rotate at around double the RPMs and demonstrate wear much more quickly. They are typically cheaper than belt drives. They can do the job as well just don't expect direct drives to last as long.
If you have questions about choosing a pressure washer, we would be glad to help. We want to make sure our customers choose a washer that works best for them and their needs. These are things to always consider.....
How often will you be using the washer?
What types of surfaces are you cleaning?
Hot or cold water?
Where will you be using the washer?.... Keep portability in mind.
We have many high pressure washers available. Only a few are listed on our website. Check them out!
Pressure Washers
Call or email us if you have any questions!
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